The Living Pā
Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
Our team gets results:
Byron Roff – Project Director / Business Manager Central
Tom McLean – Senior Project Manager
Darcy Palmer – Project Manager
Alex Doyle - Assistant Project Manager
The Living Pā is a bold redevelopment to turn Te Herenga Waka Marae on Kelburn Parade at Victoria University of Wellington into one of the world’s most environmentally responsible hubs.
Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington is seeking to build more than a building – the Living Pā is a purpose-built living lab, and will be an incubator for innovation, and a place for multiple communities and disciplines to come together to discuss how we can build a more equitable, fair, and sustainable society.
The Living Pā anticipates joining the list of the world’s most advanced, sustainable buildings and to be a flagship project that evidences what’s possible. The redevelopment proposes to meet the internationally recognised Living Building Challenge for sustainable development principles.
So much more than an environment sustainability story, the Living Building Challenge’s seven criteria challenge the project team to push industry norms for equity, health and happiness. As Project Managers, TBIG is proud to work with a highly collaborative team; Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, Tennent Brown Architects, LT McGuinness, Dunning Thornton Consultants, Rider Levett Bucknall, and 335 to bring this innovative project to life.
Render provided by Stantiall’s Studios Ltd
Waimarie Science North Building
Lincoln University
Our team gets results:
Stephen Threadgall – Project Director / Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead
Kim Lochhead - Senior Project Manager
Sam Turner – Project Manager
Rachel Pattison – Assistant Project Manager
lincoln university
Waimarie Science North
Lincoln University has always been a chief driver of innovation in the land-based sector, and the new Waimarie Science North facility positions Lincoln to take an even more prominent role in developing solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.
Waimarie is a 9,450m² facility over three levels providing teaching and workspaces, meeting rooms and collaboration spaces. The research laboratories house physical containment facilities, molecular, microscopy and microbiology, invertebrate microbiology, insect pathology, field ecology and soil chemistry and research workshops, temperature control rooms and a fungal light bank room.
A strong focus has been placed on aligning the design with the sustainability goals of Lincoln University. The inclusion of PV panels to the north facing and east facing façades, in addition to the roof PV panels, reduces solar glare and increases comfort for building occupants. The ground source heat pump provides a sustainable heating and cooling solution. The building utilises a rainwater recycling system. The overall result of these and other items that have been incorporated in the design will result in a reduction in Whole of Life costs and a reduced carbon footprint for the Waimarie Science North Building over its lifetime.
Te Ohu Rangahau Kai – Food Science Facility
AgResearch and Massey University
Our team gets results:
Andrew McCalman – Central Operations Manager / Project Director
Tim Schaeffers – Senior Project Manager
te ohu rangahau kai - FOOD SCIENCE FACILITY
This new joint food science facility on Massey’s Manawatu campus has brought together world-class talent under one roof, accelerating innovation, with scientists and researchers from AgResearch, Massey University and the Riddet Institute focusing on the future of New Zealand’s food exports and our reputation for quality and innovation.
Te Ohu Rangahau Kai translates as a ‘co-operative community of food researchers’. The facility encompasses 1,800m² of laboratories and 900m² of meat and diary pilot plants, supported by modern working spaces, meeting rooms and shared collaboration areas. Te Ohu Rangahau Kai is New Zealand’s largest agri-food innovation centre, leading research excellence across the agriculture sector from farm to consumer.
It was important for our team to understand the requirements of each user group to bring their needs together into a single collaborative science community which would enhance outputs and shared learnings.
This new joint facility concept will accelerate innovation by having world-class talent working together under one roof.
Dr Tom Richardson, AgResearch Chief Executive
Science South
Lincoln University
Our team gets results:
Stephen Threadgall – Project Director / Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead
science south
Opening the new Science South facility was a key milestone in Lincoln University’s campus development programme and this new cutting edge base for the Department of Agricultural Sciences elevates the University’s profile as a world-ranked land-based University. The new building cuts a striking form, situated on the south-eastern corner of the Lincoln campus, with its brick-red low-slung profile. In line with the University’s sustainable infrastructure goals, the building is built to Level 4 Green Star standard and roof-mounted solar array panels add to the University’s solar generating capacity. Great science at work!
Among Science South’s state-of-the-art facilities are a range of laboratories supporting teaching and research, including analytical, physiology/immunology, molecular biology/gene maker, micro/ controlled release spaces as well as temperature controlled environments.
Our role included design management, construction management, programme, stakeholder management and making sure all the project milestones were reached - the construction was delivered in just 12 months. Science South was opened by the Minister of Research, Science and Innovation Hon Dr Megan Woods in July 2021.
In parallel with Science South, our team are delivering the flagship Science North facility, a 9,450m² facility over three levels.
This project outcome has to be one of the most outstanding I have seen in achieving the functional brief in a quality fashion well under budget and on time. It is testament to strong trust, respect and teamwork amongst the project group.
peter harris, Campus Development Programme Lead
University of Otago - School of Music, Theatre & Performing Arts
University of Otago
Our team gets results:
Tess Browne – Project Director
Watch the video:
school of music, theatre & performing arts
This exciting project for the School of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts encompasses a new build and refurbishment of existing buildings to create specialist performing, recording and teaching spaces. The development includes a new two-level recording studio building, while also refurbishing the nearby University of Otago College of Education’s music suite, teaching wing, tower block, and part of the education resource centre.
State-of-the-art recording studios are complemented by flexible teaching spaces and communal areas for students to showcase their work. The key quality driver for the project is acoustic performance; the studio spaces include a floating acoustic floor slab and specially designed acoustic wall linings and services penetrations.
Our role included construction management, programme, stakeholder management and making sure all the project milestones hit just the right note.
We already have a strong tradition in music and performing arts, and this development will allow our students to learn in world-class facilities.
tony ballantyne, division of humanities pro-vice chancellor
Manawa Research and Education Hub
Christchurch District Health Board
Ara Institute of Canterbury
University of Canterbury
Our team gets results:
Stephen Threadgall – Project Director / Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead
Manawa Hub
Manawa, a state-of-the-art health research and education facility, is a collaboration between Christchurch’s health and tertiary education sectors. Manawa brings together the Canterbury District Health Board, Ara Institute of Canterbury and the University of Canterbury.
At the heart of the Te Papa Hauora/Health Precinct, Manawa houses health education, professional development and research activities for over 1800 Ara nursing, midwifery and medical imaging students, as well as CDHB education and development staff.
A simulation floor contains a mock operating theatre, ward, imaging, ICU/PACU clinical simulation and teaching areas, enabling simulations in real-world healthcare environments.
The Building Intelligence Group went the extra mile to provide value throughout. It was evident they took pride in their service, leading to a highly successful project.
Colin King – Manager – Project Management Office, Ara Institute of Canterbury
University of Otago Science Precinct Redevelopment – Trace Metal Free Laboratory
University of Otago
Our team gets results:
Tess Browne – Project Director
trace metal free lab
The new trace metal free laboratory in the University of Otago’s science precinct redevelopment supports globally cutting-edge research in multiple fields. These class 5 clean rooms provide an environment where incredibly accurate measurements can be taken down to parts per trillion in materials without outside factors affecting the results. The unique facility, which filters air to the equivalent of 100,000 times cleaner than the outside atmosphere, is the latest addition to the University’s Mellor Laboratory.
The lab is an important asset in strengthening Otago’s reputation in trace metal research. The main focus is on sea water and soil composition – which includes research into global warming – but the University also uses the lab for other purposes, including health research. The facility has been designed to be 100% metal free, with any potential metal fully encapsulated.
This was a complex project, involving one-off manufacturing for construction items, high consultation with special laboratory suppliers and coordinating a project which was delivered in a live campus environment.
WelTec School of Hospitality /
Le Cordon Bleu NZ Institute
WelTec / Le Cordon Bleu NZ Institute
Our team gets results:
Mel Briasco - Project Director
Jeremy Wilson - Project Director
WelTec School of Hospitality /
LE cordon Bleu NZ Institute
WelTec’s School of Hospitality joined forces with the internationally renowned Le Cordon Bleu NZ Institute to create a purpose built state-of-the-art tertiary campus in the heart of Wellington.
As a culinary challenge of the highest degree, the ingredients needed to be precise. The Building Intelligence Group managed the design and construction of the facilities for both of the schools. The vast facility includes six training kitchens, a 96 seat demonstration lecture theatre, four classrooms, a bar training facility and latte lab, and a training restaurant.
These facilities are seamlessly integrated and shared between the schools, with each offering its own unique and highly sought-after programmes.
The School of Hospitality needed to reflect something very special, and the project team has added significant value over the journey to get it absolutely right.
Michael Hesp, Former Director of Special Projects for WelTec