Projects > Government



Parliament Building (the Beehive) Executive Wing Façade


Parliamentary Service

Our team gets results:

Jeremy Wilson - Project Director

Angus Bridge - Engineer to Contract

Alex Doyle - Assistant Project Manager


Executive Wing Façade (the Beehive)

World famous in New Zealand, the iconic Executive Wing (the Beehive) at New Zealand Parliament required upgrades to it's façade, repairing, restoring and replacing elements on the unique heritage-listed building.

TBIG was engaged by Parliamentary Service to collaborate with the main contractor, Naylor Love, on the first significant overhaul of the façade fabric of Parliament’s Executive Wing, a.k.a. the Beehive, since its construction in 1969. The work involved repairing and replacing façade elements, including window units, concrete beams, and marble columns, to address lifecycle degradation and ensure the structure’s performance for several more decades.

The project was conducted in a high-profile and sensitive live environment, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the site’s specific conditions and strong engagement with key stakeholders. They included parliamentary staff, the onsite café and banquet hall operations, and the New Zealand public, who maintain a strong and vested interest in the building.

Working with a progressive and staged delivery strategy, the scope included balcony radial beam remedial works, concrete repairs, balcony waterproofing and asbestos removal and encapsulation from levels 1-3. An innovate shrink wrapped hoarding replicated the exterior of the building, which meant the heritage-listed building appeared in its normal state to anyone viewing it from a distance.

TBIG are proud to have been engaged by Parliamentary Service as project manager on this special heritage-listed structure, ensuring that the completed works will require no further attention for decades to come.

The delivery of the upgrades to the Executive Wing Façade over levels 1-3 posed challenges unique to the building and Parliament. Parliamentary Service worked together with Naylor Love and TBIG to deliver the project despite these challenges to a very high standard, on time and to budget. All the while minimising disruption to operation of Parliament with the result of a very successful project.

david Willis, Parliamentary Service Manager Buildings Project Management Office



Waka Kotahi - 44 Bowen Street


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

Our team gets results:

Jeremy Wilson - Project Director

Sharlene Vidak - Senior Project Manager

Juliet Bonnor - Assistant Project Manager


NZTA Waka Kotahi

Moving from two Wellington locations, Waka Kotahi brough 1,200 staff together into a single address at 44 Bowen Street. The new flexible and agile workspace aligns with Waka Kotahi’s strategic objectives in Te Kāpehu / Our Compass – forming a sense of community, enhancing collaboration and connectivity. Supporting activity-based working, spaces provide a spectrum of collaborative settings across seven levels.

TBIG led negotiations with the landlord and the basebuild contractor LT McGuiness in their capacity as the fitout ECI Contractor to develop a workable programme.

The scope of service included programme management, Agreement to Lease / basebuild monitoring, design management, procurement and consents management, construction administration including Engineer to the Contract and soft fitout management, cost management, basebuild variations for an internal stairwell, hard fitout and soft fitout delivery. Our team facilitated extensive stakeholder consultation to ensure that the fitout aligned with Waka Kotahi’s desired workplace experience.

With the base build designed and constructed to achieve 5-Start NZGBC rating and 4.5-Star NABERS, TBIG and the wider project team explored the benefits of Waka Kotahi undertaking additional sustainability measures. As a result, the fitout was designed and constructed to target a WELL Gold Certificate status with an emphasis in user wellbeing and environmental considerations.

TBIG were integral to our project, working closely with our inhouse corporate property team, and in driving the consultants and design to meet the tight time frames of the build. The project has been an incredible success.

Nikki Mazur, Waka Kotahi Head of Corporate Property



Archives New Zealand, Wigram


Department of Internal Affairs

Our team gets results:

Stephen Threadgall - Project Director / Canterbury and Upper South Island Lead



The Archives New Zealand Christchurch facility ensures that important material and records are preserved in a purpose built, highly secure and environmentally controlled premises.

The 3,000m² storage facility includes a large temperature and humidity-controlled storage stack area with 20,000 lineal metres of specialised shelving, a conservation room, public reading rooms, reference reprographic room, office space and carparking.

The key drivers for the facility were security, strict environmental controls and achievement of a facility in accordance with international standards. Our role centered on helping define a site specific and performance brief, followed by design management and project delivery.

The new Archive facility is the result of many years planning. We appreciated the professionalism and collaborative approach taken by The Building Intelligence Group throughout the build.

Pam Harris, (former) DIA Senior Project Manager Consultant



Christchurch Justice & Emergency Services Precinct


Ministry of Justice

Our team gets results:

Ian Macaskill – Managing Director

Stuart Lyons – Project Director / Hawke’s Bay Lead



The Building Intelligence Group was engaged by the Ministry of Justice to manage the development of the business requirements/design/scope/programme/cost/risk and procurement strategy for the Detailed Business Case and to subsequently assist with integration of technology solutions and business operational readiness and occupation.

Our Managing Director Ian Macaskill led this strategic programme of work, being one of the Government’s key anchor projects for the Christchurch rebuild. CJESP brings together the Ministry of Justice and Christchurch-based judiciary, NZ Police, Department of Corrections, St John NZ, Fire and Emergency NZ and the Ministry of Civil Defence. The precinct comprises 40,500m² over five floors and is made up of three buildings.

Ian Macaskill led the project team for the Detailed Business Case. This included procurement of the consultant team, design management, leadership of the design team, stakeholder management, risk analysis, value management, delivery programme, whole of life cost and benefit analysis, and business continuity systems. TBIG subsequently worked in a programme development and management role for the integration of specialist ICT systems into the base build and fitout and planning for the occupation and facilities readiness, working with the Ministry of Justice, NZ Police and other Agencies to ensure a smooth transition of their business.



Oranga Tamariki Pāpāmoa fitout


Oranga Tamariki


Nicole Scott – Project Manager


oranga tamariki, Pāpāmoa

Oranga Tamariki have moved into their new two-level home in Domain Road in Pāpāmoa, with the new site named Ngā Parirau. It brings staff from the Tauranga office to this location, enhancing collaboration and Oranga Tamariki’s service.

The Building Intelligence Group have worked with Oranga Tamariki on several office fitouts and furniture replacement programmes across New Zealand, and our local team in Tauranga were ideally placed to bring this knowledge and consistency to the table. TBIG were engaged to provide Project Management services for the Pāpāmoa office accommodation fitout works over 1,360m².

With the Landlord’s agreement, Oranga Tamariki were able to introduce several sustainable features to the project including a full solar array on the roof, electric vehicle charging stations and e-bike stations. The Oranga Tamariki fitout also features a unique colour palette to echo Pāpāmoa, and the colours reflect the beach, sand dunes, reeds, flaxes, and the Pāpāmoa Hills.

The new fitout was widely appreciated when the staff moved in. The project team worked exceptionally well together to achieve the project’s completion and the success story it is today.



Ministry for Social Development National Office


Ministry for Social Development

Our team gets results:

Mel Briasco – Project Director


The Aurora Centre

The Ministry of Social Development’s National Office Accommodation Project entailed the redevelopment and fitout of the old Unisys House and Aurora Chambers buildings at 56 The Terrace.

The Aurora Chambers building was completely demolished, rebuilt and connected into the adjacent 18 level Unisys House tower, which had been stripped and fully refurbished to provide a modern workplace environment. 

The Building Intelligence Group was engaged as Project Manager for the MSD fitout, commencing with consulting on the Development Agreement, progressing through management of the design, procurement and construction phases of the project. The efficient and effective fitout concept is replicated over levels 4 - 18 with all public facing functions including auditoriums and publicly accessible meeting rooms located on levels 1- 3.



St Paul’s Square National Accommodation


Department of Internal Affairs

Our team gets results:

Mel Briasco – Project Director


st paul’s square

Department of Internal Affairs

The Department of Internal Affairs used the Wellington accommodation project (WAP2) to consolidate their Wellington offices into a modern 13,800m² workplace environment. By moving to the St Paul’s building in Pipitea Street, the Department consolidated its property footprint and brought nearly 1,150 of its people together under one roof.

Implementing a fully flexible working environment enabled the flexible working approach to really flourish, and allowed space for communal staff areas to be developed on the upper mezzanine of the building, supported by meeting and informal breakout spaces and kitchen areas. Around 1,150 staff, working from six locations around Wellington, moved into the new workplace in January 2018.

2016 – 2017


Christchurch Integrated Government Accommodation projects



Our team gets results:

Stephen Threadgall - Project Director / Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead

Stuart Lyons - Project Director / Hawke’s Bay Lead


Christchurch Integrated Government Accommodation

Post Christchurch earthquakes, the government made clear its commitment to relocate government office accommodation back into the Christchurch city centre, maximising advantages of co-location for multiple government agencies.

The CIGA project provided new accommodation for 1500 staff across 15 government agencies over four separate buildings. The Building Intelligence Group advised on procurement strategies and managed the agency fitouts within the four buildings to the quality and standards required by the Crown to support objectives under the Government Property Group Workplace Standards and Guidelines. The four new builds comprised an Agency lead – Statistics New Zealand (BNZ Centre Stage 1), ACC (BNZ Centre Stage 2), MBIE (Grand Central New Zealand) and MOE Ngāi Tahu (King Edward Barracks).



Supreme Court of New Zealand


Ministry of Justice

Our team gets results:

Ian Macaskill – Managing Director


Supreme Court of New Zealand

The Supreme Court is arguably the most important public building constructed in New Zealand for some time, embracing our judicial, cultural and historic values. It sits in harmony with the restored Old High Court, both projects delivered together on a landmark site by The Building Intelligence Group.

The project was unique – and we established the optimal team to deliver a project of this magnitude over seven years, continuously balancing the ‘new with the old.’  Outstanding features include the immense freestanding ovoid wood panelled No1 Courtroom sitting within the building which is wrapped in a bronze façade.

The Supreme Court project was a multiple award winner.



Accommodation fitout


Tertiary Education Commission / Commerce Commission

Our team gets results:

Stuart Lyons – Project Director / Hawke’s Bay Lead


tertiary education commission & COMMERCE COMMISSION

Already sited at 44 The Terrace in ageing fitouts, both agencies sought to consolidate their accommodation to bring their respective staff onto contiguous floors in modern working environments. TEC wanted to achieve connectivity and a largely open plan environment across their four floors.  The Commerce Commission held a similar goal. With two Crown Agencies seeking modern working styles, the catalyst was there to collaborate to create a shared reception, seminar, meeting rooms, and associated facilities on Level 9.

The Building Intelligence Group was appointed as Project Manager to develop and deliver a strategy which would drive efficiency across both fitouts and integrate with the Landlord’s programme of works.

One key element of the fitout was TEC’s vision for staff to move freely between floors with an internal staircase to provide connectivity through floors 9 to 12.  The stairs employed a very cool semi-transparent Kaynemail mesh screen that provided excellent visual connectivity.



Tauranga Accommodation


Inland Revenue and Housing New Zealand


Inland Revenue and Housing New Zealand


Inland Revenue and Housing New Zealand relocated to a brand-new building at 306 Cameron Road, one of Tauranga’s busiest arterial routes. With a blank canvas on which to create a modern working environment, both departments had a shared vision to achieve contemporary and collaborative workplaces.

Our role commenced with assisting in the delivery aspects of the Development Agreement (DA), progressing through management of the design, procurement, construction and relocation. A strategy of integrating the fitout works with the Landlord’s programme of works was vital to achieving the programme.

The Ground Floor operates as the front of house for customer enquiries, with secure public meeting rooms and office area to provide service to customers. The first floor provides Inland Revenue with a back of house reception, open plan office space, and shared meeting and cafeteria spaces for both Inland Revenue and Housing New Zealand.



Nelson District Courthouse


Ministry of Justice

Our team gets results:

Stuart Lyons - Project Director / Hawke’s Bay Lead


nelson district courthOuse

The redevelopment of the Nelson District Courthouse over 3,400m², included the new construction of three additional courtrooms, increased public waiting room areas, additional hearing rooms with video conferencing facilities, interview rooms, judicial chambers, court storage and technology services areas, cells and associated custodial facilities.

The project was carried out through a carefully staged strategy, with the Nelson District Courthouse remaining fully operational during its redevelopment. This was a challenging exercise in a working courthouse. The Minister of Courts at the time commented the building had undergone a spectacular transformation, and the redevelopment has been designed to meet the needs of Nelson city.

Hawke's Bay


Hastings District Courthouse


Ministry of Justice

Our team gets results:

Stuart Lyons - Project Director / Hawke’s Bay Lead


Hastings district courthOuse

The construction of a new Hastings District Courthouse provided multi-jurisdiction court facilities and custodial facilities utilising best practice sustainable design principles. At 3,300m² over two floors, the courthouse is double the size of its predecessor, including four courtrooms, mediation and hearing rooms, seven judge’s chambers and custodial areas. All courtrooms are fitted with state of the art technology including video conferencing facilities.

There was careful management of the programme to meet a tight opening deadline set by the Ministry. We expedited the programme to achieve significant time savings by commencing all site preparation works outside of the main contract.

Quality was paramount for the new courthouse. Public areas needed to be robust yet attractive while the judicial areas needed to be tastefully lavish. Our experience with this client meant we understood their expectations and from here we carried a heavy weighting on this key project aspect. The result is a quality building that has balanced cost with design and functionality superbly.