Charles Brown

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Project Director | Contract Management Lead

Charles has exceptional credibility in the marketplace, offering over 21 years’ experience in the construction industry. His approach to impartially and pragmatically upholding and imposing project standards has proven highly effective on an extensive range of complex construction projects.

Through his ETC knowledge and negotiation skills, Charles has proven himself to be a commercially savvy, balanced and engaged Engineer to Contract voice. This was validated when Charles was invited by Kāinga Ora to be one of four Engineers to Contract on their ETC Working Group Panel to provide legal guidance to define and draft contractual responses to parties as part of the COVID-19 lockdown response.

Charles received the Tū Māia Integrity Award at the 2023 Minister of Defence Awards of Excellence to Industry which acknowledge the major contributions of industry to New Zealand Defence. Charles was recognised for his ongoing commitment to supporting the delivery of Defence infrastructure projects, and for his outstanding demonstration of the value, integrity.

Charles leads our ETC service line, and his role directly addresses our client’s hot issues around the separation and independence of ETC. We see Charles’s understanding and experience in the ETC space as market leading, drawing on his expertise across housing sector portfolios, Government vertical and horizontal projects, infrastructure and a substantial range of commercial projects.