

Manawa Research and Education Hub


Christchurch District Health Board

Ara Institute of Canterbury

University of Canterbury

Our team gets results:

Stephen Threadgall – Project Director / Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead


Manawa Hub

Manawa, a state-of-the-art health research and education facility, is a collaboration between Christchurch’s health and tertiary education sectors. Manawa brings together the Canterbury District Health Board, Ara Institute of Canterbury and the University of Canterbury.  

Sitting at the heart of the Te Papa Hauora/Health Precinct, Manawa houses health education, professional development and research activities for over 1800 Ara nursing, midwifery and medical imaging students, as well as CDHB education and development staff.

A simulation floor contains a mock operating theatre, ward, imaging, ICU/PACU clinical simulation and teaching areas, enabling simulations in real-world healthcare environments.

The Building Intelligence Group went the extra mile to provide value throughout. It was evident they took pride in their service, leading to a highly successful project.

Colin King – Manager – Project Management Office, Ara Institute of Canterbury