Invercargill / Waihopai

Our Southland Lead Scott Paterson has built strong local Southern relationships and has a lot of insightful market knowledge of this region and he’s keen to talk to help get projects off the ground for local clients. Scott is growing our successful Invercargill based team. Alongside Scott, an important anchor for our team is Tess Browne who brings over 10 years of successful project delivery with TBIG. Both have have led highly successful large scale projects in multiple sectors including commercial, government, hotels, education, hospitality, apartments, community and sports.

We know the people and the construction sector which enables us to navigate projects from concept to completion.

Our strength is around the attention to detail, smart thinking and responsiveness we bring to every project.

With access to our people across the South Island, we can ensure we have the resources to deliver multiple and complex projects, seamlessly. Cohesive and easy to work with, we get results.



The Building Intelligence Group, Invercargill

Recent Projects

The Langlands Hotel

Invercargill City Streets Upgrade