

Deans Farm Buildings restoration at Christchurch Boys’ High School


Ministry of Education

Our team gets results:

Stephen Threadgall – Project Director / Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead


Deans Farm Buildings RESTORATION

The historic Deans Farm Buildings at Christchurch Boys’ High School have been repurposed for the future, after undergoing seismic strengthening and heritage restoration following dilapidation and earthquake devastation.

The CBHS Board saw a future worth saving and engaged The Building Intelligence Group to lead a specialist project team to bring the buildings to 67% NBS and to repurpose the buildings into a fitting home for the Old Boys’ Museum and School Uniform Shop. 

A Heritage Impact Assessment and Temporary Protection Plan were completed in parallel with the design to seismically strengthening the building in a programmed sequence of works. The project won a Canterbury Heritage Award.

The Building Intelligence Group’s experience and attention to detail ensured that the heritage values of the buildings were not overlooked while meeting all project objectives.

Carole-Lynne Kerrigan, Built Heritage Specialist