
The Treaty and I is a four-part session delivered by Te Wehi Wright (Ngā Ruahine, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa, Ngāti Uenukukōpako, me Ngāti Whakaue). Te Wehi speaks about the time leading up to the signing of Te Tiriti, the time that followed between 1840 and 1975 and what’s popularly known as The Māori Renaissance from 1972 onwards.

Te Wehi covers historical context and helps demonstrate the journey to 21st century New Zealand. Te Wehi includes plenty of his own perspective and experience, from growing up speaking only Māori in full immersion Kura Kaupapa (Māori Language Schools) through to his more recent experience as a lawyer. He proudly describes himself as a product of the Māori Renaissance.

In Te Wehi’s presentations, you may learn of historical facts that you are not familiar with or hear perspectives and views that are different from your own.

Part 1 — Introduction

An overview of The Treaty and I, including background on facilitator Te Wehi Wright.


Part 2 — Te Taurapa: Pre-Treaty History

A guide to pre-European Māoridom and the arrival of settlers in Aotearoa.

Part 3 — Te Tākere: The Post-Treaty World

Conflicted times between 1840 and mid-20th century as Māori and Pākehā learn to co-exist.


Part 4 — Te Tauihu: Cultural Consciousness

Detail of the Māori renaissance, starting with the Treaty of Waitangi Act in 1975.