TBIG’s Programme Management Team have developed a customisable and fully interactive programme reporting dashboard, a powerful tool designed to provide visibility and insight into project progress within a wider programme/portfolio of works.

The interactive example dashboard below makes sense of a local Authority Long Term Plan. It does this by breaking a typically large and complex document into an easily understandable and navigable dashboard. The dashboard can be used to quickly identify all project related information within the plan based on key portfolio/programme attributes, such as work type and location in this instance.

Our programme team can work with your existing systems and data to create a customisable dashboard to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need to track financial data, resource allocation, or progress against key performance indicators, our solution can be tailored to your needs.

Try it out below.

This Dashboard is an example only, and the data included isn’t related to any existing programmes. This dashboard has been developed using Power BI.

Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help your organisation achieve seamless portfolio and programme management.

Daniel Jakubcik
Senior Programme Manager

Stephen Threadgall
Project Director | Canterbury & Upper South Island Lead